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How to create Middlewares

Using middlewares in Tupã is easy. We can implement middlewares both at the route level, sets of routes and global middlewares.

Simple Middlewares

Let’s add a simple middleware at the route level. Just add a new Middlewares property inside the endpoint object.

Let’s add a middleware to the /cats route.

func main() {
routeManagerExample := func() {
routes := func() []tupa.RouteInfo {
return []tupa.RouteInfo{
Path: "/",
Method: "GET",
Handler: func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
return tupa.WriteJSONHelper(c.Resp, http.StatusOK, "Hello world! :D")
Path: "/cats",
Method: "GET",
Handler: func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(c.Resp, resp.Body)
return err
Middlewares: []tupa.MiddlewareFunc{
tupa.AddRoutes(nil, routes)
server := tupa.NewAPIServer(":6969", routeManagerExample)
func MiddlewareSampleCats(next tupa.APIFunc) tupa.APIFunc {
return func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
c.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/jpeg")
c.Resp.Header().Add("Referrer-Policy", "someone interested in cats")
return next(c)

We can obtain the result of the above middleware, just press F12 and check the request in the Network tab of our devtools.

Image title

Different Middlewares for Sets of Routes

But it may be that we want to add different middlewares for different sets of routes. In this case, we can store our routes in functions and call the GetRoutes() method from Tupã as a parameter to the RegisterRoutes() function. See an example below:

func main() {
server := tupa.NewAPIServer(":6969", exampleManager())
func MiddlewareSampleCats(next tupa.APIFunc) tupa.APIFunc {
return func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
c.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/jpeg")
c.Resp.Header().Add("Referrer-Policy", "someone interested in cats")
return next(c)
func exampleManager() {
tupa.AddRoutes(nil, SampleViewsManager)
tupa.AddRoutes(tupa.MiddlewareChain{MiddlewareSampleCats}, SampleRouteManager)
func SampleViewsManager() []tupa.RouteInfo {
return []tupa.RouteInfo{
Path: "/",
Method: "GET",
Handler: func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
return tupa.WriteJSONHelper(c.Resp, http.StatusOK, "Hello world! :D")
func SampleRouteManager() []tupa.RouteInfo {
return []tupa.RouteInfo{
Path: "/cats",
Method: "GET",
Handler: func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(c.Resp, resp.Body)
return err

Middlewares in Sets of Routes + Specific Routes

We can also add middlewares for sets of routes and specific routes together. In this case, the order will be that the specific route middlewares will take precedence over the group ones in execution. Let’s see in the following code:

func main() {
server := tupa.NewAPIServer(":6969", exampleManager())
func MiddlewareSampleCats(next tupa.APIFunc) tupa.APIFunc {
return func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
fmt.Println("Printed after")
return next(c)
func MiddlewareSampleRoute(next tupa.APIFunc) tupa.APIFunc {
return func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
fmt.Println("Printed before")
c.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
c.Resp.Header().Add("Referrer-Policy", "someone interested in cats")
return next(c)
func exampleManager() {
tupa.AddRoutes(nil, SampleViewsManager)
tupa.AddRoutes(tupa.MiddlewareChain{MiddlewareSampleCats}, SampleRouteManager)
func SampleViewsManager() []tupa.RouteInfo {
return []tupa.RouteInfo{
Path: "/",
Method: "GET",
Handler: func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
return tupa.WriteJSONHelper(c.Resp, http.StatusOK, "Hello world! :D")
func SampleRouteManager() []tupa.RouteInfo {
return []tupa.RouteInfo{
Path: "/cats",
Method: "GET",
Handler: func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(c.Resp, resp.Body)
return err
Middlewares: []tupa.MiddlewareFunc{MiddlewareSampleRoute},


Terminal window
Server started on port: :6969
Printed before
Printed after

However, in some cases, we will need to store some data after any request is completed and after all sets of AfterMiddlewares. For this, we should use the Global Middlewares.