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After Middlewares

How to create After Middlewares

We can create route-specific After Middlewares, which will be executed after the Global middlewares, Route Set middlewares, Route-specific middlewares, and the Request, respectively. See the example below:

func main() {
server := tupa.NewAPIServer(":6969", exampleManager)
func exampleManager() {
tupa.AddRoutes(nil, SampleRouteManager)
func AfterMiddlewareTest(next tupa.APIFunc) tupa.APIFunc {
return func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
slog.Info("AfterMiddlewareTest -> after route middleware")
return next(c)
func MiddlewareSampleRoute(next tupa.APIFunc) tupa.APIFunc {
return func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
catsCtxKey := "ctxcats"
ctxMsg := "context of someone interested in cats"
slog.Info("MiddlewareSampleRoute -> specific route middleware")
newCtx := context.WithValue(c.GetCtx(), catsCtxKey, ctxMsg)
return next(c)
func SampleRouteManager() []tupa.RouteInfo {
return []tupa.RouteInfo{
Path: "/param",
Method: "GET",
Handler: func(c *tupa.TupaContext) error {
slog.Info("hello world")
c.SendString("Hello world")
return nil
Middlewares: []tupa.MiddlewareFunc{MiddlewareSampleRoute},
AfterMiddlewares: []tupa.MiddlewareFunc{AfterMiddlewareTest},

This way, we can easily create route-specific after middlewares and add as many as we need to our request.